Windermere is both glorious and formidable. Over 10.5 miles from end to end,
England’s largest lake is a hive of activity, with ducks, geese and swans floating
alongside paddleboarders, boaters and lake cruisers.
Imagine standing by the southern tip at Fell Foot, looking North and thinking, “I’m
going to swim the whole way.” The sentiment is more than most swimmers will
probably ever muster. So now imagine standing there and thinking: “I’m going to
swim the length of this lake faster than anyone ever has before.”
These must have been the thoughts of a 26-year-old lad from Shropshire, as he
pulled on his swimsuit, on the morning of 2 September last year.
The mental resolve of athletes has long been charted. And Hector Pardoe’s mental
strength must be off the charts! Surely, he had visualised this moment so many
times. Perhaps he had mentally considered every second of what would be the 3
hours, 40 minutes and 28 seconds he’d spend setting the World Record. Something
that sets Pardoe apart from many elite athletes, however, is that the physical task
wasn’t the only thing on his mind.
Ahead of this epic challenge, Pardoe knew that his moment in the spotlight offered
the perfect opportunity to shine a light on the problems facing our lakes and
waterways. After the cancellation of the Paris Olympics test event in the Seine due to
concerns about pollution, the life-long vegetarian said it, “heightened my dedication
to environmental advocacy.”
It’s worth noting that ahead of the games, the French authorities have invested €1.4
billion upgrading sewage treatment and stormwater facilities around Paris. Here in
the Lake District, our rivers and lakes are under similar pressure from pollution,
invasive species, and climate change.
Back last summer, Hector set up a fundraising page and encouraged his supporters
to sponsor his epic Windermere swim, with the aim of raising funds for the Lake
District Foundation’s Cleaner Lakes campaign.
As well as smashing the World Record, Hector raised nearly £1500. And that was
just the start. After qualifying with Team GB for the Marathon Swim in Paris, Hector
again reached out to us at the Lake District Foundation, this time suggesting creative
fundraising ideas to coincide with the summer games.
Hector’s ambition goes beyond personal sporting ambition. Rather, he is using the
platform that professional sport offers to try and make a positive impact on the
planet. And that’s why we invited him to join our team and become one of our
ambassadors, advocating for the Lake District and our precious environment.
The Lake District Foundation is a charity that brings together everyone who cares
about this magnificent part of the planet. Our ambition is for the Lake District to be
the best National Park in the world, an example of sustainable development in
Today (26 July), we launch a new campaign called Going for Gold with Hector.
As we celebrate Hector’s golden opportunity in France, we’ve come up with 3 ways
for everyone to join Team Hector.
First, we’re running a sweepstake. Can you guess what Hector’s official finish time
will be? Pick the closest time and you could win an amazing bundle of prizes
including kit signed by Hector, Aquasphere goggles, entry to the Great North Swim,
an annual subscription to Outdoor Swimmer magazine and much more.
Second, we’re taking inspiration from the Paris games and asking, will you ‘Do 10
with Hector’? On 9 August, Hector Pardoe will race 10km down the Seine, but what
will you do to support our Cleaner Lakes campaign? Could you walk 1 mile a day for
10 days? Could you summit 10 Wainwrights? Whatever you do this summer, do 10
with Hector!
Finally, if you’re in or around the Lake District, we’d love to invite you to our Watch
Party on Friday 9 August. Join us for breakfast, games and entertainment, and a dip
in Windermere, as we watch Hector going for gold live on the big screen.
All money raised will go towards the Lake District Foundation’s Cleaner Lakes
campaign which helps to funds activities like the Big Windermere Survey, a
pioneering citizen science project that offers a full view of the life of the lake.
Will you join Team Hector and help us to protect our lakes and waterways?
Find out more at