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Hello from New Hampshire – RoarLoud

A month ago we were in Lapland enjoying sparkling snow and feeling carefree.  By the time we were flying home we were concerned about canceled flights and quarantine.  We got back in time to avoid any issues and felt relieved until each day brought more concerns about the Corona virus. Everything is moving both too quickly and too slowly at the same time. Travel has come to a halt and we are as travel writers wondering what do we do now?  We want to stay connected with our friends and readers and ideally bring some joy to people’s lives.  Sharing our travels is how we have done that in the past but now it is hard to talk about travel when we are all focused on how to get through these challenging times.

Hello from New Hampshire – RoarLoud
Frank in Lapland loving it!

When travel writer friend Nicole of Third Eye Mom told me about her idea to share what is happening at home for us, I was excited to share and connect with others. Nicole’s article is Hello from Minnesota. Nicole was inspired by Lexi of One Foot Out the Door’s article called Hello from Houston.  Please read each of their articles and support this effort to connect travelers from around the world.  Share our articles in yours and include what life is like for you now, what you are thankful for and what you miss now.

We live in New Hampshire near the border of Massachusetts.  I love that was are a quick drive to beautiful beaches on the coast and incredible mountains in the north.

layers of mountains in New Hampshire's White Mountains
Mountains for days!

The last two weeks have been full of changes for our whole family.  Essential workers who can’t work from home are still going into work but many companies are not allowing customers to enter the building.  Gatherings were first limited to groups under 25 then quickly changed to under 10.  I don’t know many people having any gatherings of any kind right now.  Tonight starts the stay at home order (March 27th at midnight) that lasts until May 4th. All non-essential businesses are closed, people should stay home unless absolutely necessary and public beaches are closed.  There are no restrictions on residents from other states entering New Hampshire and doesn’t prevent people from leaving their homes.

sunset on the beach
Memories of a fun beach visit in the winter

For us this means a kid in high school now doing classes online and 2 college kids having online classes.  Frank has been working from home for about a week now and unless the kids or dog is loud he is doing fine.  I’m now between jobs due to a start date being pushed back so I’m spending more time online and writing articles for our sites.  Grocery stores have empty soup and pasta aisles and toilet paper is scarce at every store. Restaurants are open for delivery or curb side pick up but some of our favorites have closed.   We go in the yard or take walks around the block on the nice weather days but have been staying local.  Local walking trails are busier than ever and finding a quiet trail is harder to do now.

I try to focus on the positive stories I find online and share those.  A local restaurant donating their extra food to a food bank.  Companies donating masks to local hospitals and people making cloth masks to donate. I know many of us are worried about what will happen, I certainly have times of worry.  Focusing on sharing the good is my distraction from the worry.

I also try to find things to be grateful for, when I do I realize the list is long:

  • Spending more time with my family including the fur baby Bento the bunny
  • Having a supportive partner that always has my back
  • Finding humor in the situation at times
  • A plan to spend more time in the flower gardens that I’ve neglected
  • Catching up on all those chores and to do’s that I’ve put off

row of sunflowers
I’m looking forward to the future when I can one day:

  • See my mother and grandparents
  • Go on a long challenging hike
  • Have a romantic meal out with Frank
  • Get on a plane and travel anywhere then write about it and share it everywhere

These times are challenging for all of us, please help health care providers and stay home.  Read a blog, binge watch a tv show, make some cookies or play a game of cards with your family.  Please add your movie, tv suggestions or ideas to keep us all entertained while at home in the comments.  If you are a travel writer please help this Hello from… continue around the world!

heart sculpture in photography ball
Sending love to all of you!


If you share your Hello From story please let us know so we can link to it.  Thank you to those that have shared:


Cathy (aka “Wildcat”) is not your typical travel/adventurer. Whether it is traveling across the globe or exploring her beloved White Mountains of New Hampshire, this mother of 4’s curious nature has led her to find adventure everywhere she goes. Her blog was first started to chronicle the training and journey to the “Rooftop of Africa” – Mt. Kilimanjaro. Since that time, has expanded to highlight everything connected with the unique and fascinating adventures a Wildcat can find. She shares with her readers tips, advice, and encouragement to find their strength and inner “ROAR”.

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