So today I want to tell you a little bit about my BIGGEST FEAR.
When people ask me why I moved abroad right after college, I’d always tell them that my biggest fear was waking up at 80 years old, realizing that my life was almost over and I had never really done anything I wanted to do.

The proven 7-step system to help you break out of the status quo and finally move abroad!

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I was afraid of going through the motions of life in a sleep-walking state, checking all the boxes of everything everyone expected me to do, without ever really going after my own goals, dreams, and desires.
To be honest, I was actually AFRAID of getting an awesome job right out of college in Washington DC, because I knew how easy it would be to get sucked in…
- Rent a nice apartment
- Make lots of friends
- Have a good job I actually like
- Buy furniture
- Get a cat
- Fall in love and get married
- Have kids
- Buy a house
- Retire
- Then travel….?
While these are all things I do want with my life, I was afraid that I would start down that path and it would be really hard for me to break off it and travel or live abroad.

Chris and I getting married in Australia
I Can Do Both!
Now I’ve realized that I CAN have all (or at least most) of these things while still making time for traveling the world, living abroad, starting my own business, or helping other people do it too.
No, I don’t own a home (yet) or have kids, but I have a husband, friends all over the world, two fluffy kitties, and a job I actually enjoy, helping people make their dreams of moving abroad come true.
Sure, sometimes I look at my friends buying homes and get a little jealous of how their Pinterest-worthy decor, or bookshelves stacked with books. But I wouldn’t change my path for the world, because I chased my dreams that were scary, and lived a life centered on experiences.
Free Guide: 7 Steps to Finally Move Abroad!
I Never Want to Look Back and Think “What If”?
When I’m old and grey, I never want to look back on my life and wonder, “what if I just went for it?”
So that’s how I live my life. If there’s something that scares me (in a good way), I go for it, even if it’s risky. If I know I’ll look back in 40 years and kick myself for not giving it a try, that’s when I know I have to do it.
Sure, not everything I try works out (I still haven’t been cast on Survivor… yet), but even if I fail I never have to wonder what would happen if I just gave it a try.
This is why I moved to China after graduation, quit my job to work online, and started my own business. It’s why I dropped everything for a hike in rural Japan for two weeks and filmed an episode of House Hunters International.
Sure, I always have some sort of a backup plan (I’m not totally reckless!), but if I know I’ll regret not going for something, that’s when I know I have to do it.
The Most Common Life Regret
I’m sure you’ve seen those articles featuring interviews with people in their 90’s asking about their biggest life regrets. The things people regret are almost always things they DIDN’T do. No one ever says “I wish I worked more”, or “I wish I bought a house younger.”
No, it’s always people saying they wish they’d gone after their dreams, taking advantage of the limited time we have. It’s “I wish I went on that sailing trip”, “I wish I’d told her I love her”, or “I wish I’d spent more time on the things that matter.”
So I’d say my biggest fear is looking back on my life, feeling regret for all those things I didn’t do.

Celebrating my birthday at Africa Amini Maasai Lodge
Do You Feel Like You’ve Been Living Life For Someone Else?
So my question for you today is… Are you living life on autopilot? Does every day feel the same? Are you sick and tired of the 9-5, commute, and status quo routine?
Did you wake up this morning and realize that your whole life revolves around what you’re “supposed to do” and not what you want or love?
As many of you know, I have a program called The Freedom Life that helps people move abroad, and one of the most common things I hear from my members is that they’re sick and tired of the routine.
“I wake up and every day is the same. I commute for 45-minutes to a job that I don’t even like, and make just enough money to afford to live in my city. Every day I come home and binge Netflix on the couch, and throw together a meal from Trader Joe’s.
I know I want an adventure. I want more time in my day. I want a life full of experiences and a job that fulfills me.”
I Want You To Go After Your Dreams
If this is you. If you’re reading this right now and you’re nodding your head YES, I’d love to help you make this adventure happen.
I want to help you change your life so that when you wake up at 90 years-old you have incredible memories and stories to last a lifetime, not a long list of regrets of the things you wish you did because you were too busy doing all the things you “should” do.
If you’re ready to finally make a change and go after the things you want, be sure to grab my free guide: 7 Steps to Finally Move Abroad.
This guide will teach you where you can move and what types of jobs are available (even in 2021!), and walk you through the steps you need to take to make your dream of living abroad a reality!
What are you waiting for? Grab it here!
Grab it Now: 7 Steps to Finally Move Abroad!

Exploring in Georgia (the country!)
Overall, I hope this is just a reminder to do the things that truly make you happy, whether it’s moving abroad, writing that book, or starting your own business. You don’t want to wake up at 80 years old and wonder what happened with all the time you were supposed to have.
Pick one thing you want to do in the next year and go for it!
Trust me, even if it doesn’t work out the way you hoped, you won’t regret giving it a shot.

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